Hands Resting on Cane

Your Aging Parents and Important Housing Decisions

November 14, 2016

Your parents may still live in the same home where they have resided for decades. If so, it’s important to recognize that aging sometimes presents a number of physical and cognitive challenges that can make even the simplest household chores feel overwhelming. The Importance of Listening For seniors, maintaining a home is usually a source… Read More

Hand writing check

Your Loved Ones and Identity Theft

November 10, 2016

Folks in the “sandwich generation” care for and safeguard both their children and their aging loved ones. Many are also dealing with the challenges of work, adding to their stress. Making matters worse for the sandwich generation are the increasing number of identity theft and financial fraud cases targeting unsuspecting, vulnerable senior citizens. Recent press… Read More

Father and Daughter

Loved Ones and the Distance Challenge

October 25, 2016

I grew up in Massachusetts in a small town in the western half of the state. It’s a pretty little place with a couple of big lakes, one stoplight and not much else. Dad still lives there, in the same house that he and Mom bought 35 years before. Three years ago, my husband took… Read More

Man Overlooking Ocean

The Changing Face of Retirement

January 18, 2016

The prospect of retirement is evolving. Once thought to be symbolic of a more leisurely lifestyle, today’s retirees often have no plans to slow down their pace. Retirement has become a fluid notion—one in which an older adult may choose to alter the course of his or her career instead of simply ending it. This… Read More

Glasses on Laptop

The Impact of Aging on Financial Capacity

June 2, 2015

Here’s the good news: people are living longer. Every month, more than a quarter of a million people turn 65 in this country. And before the year 2050, seniors will outnumber children for the first time in our nation’s history. Is there a downside to this picture? In some respects – yes. The fact that… Read More