News on Aging & Financial Health

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Scott, Aging Committee Members Hold Hearing on Building Wealth and Fostering Independence

Jul 15, 2021 - The Senate Special Committee on Aging recently held a hearing to discuss the need for employers to offer retirement savings opportunities to their employees.

Calming computer jitters: Help for the elderly who aren’t tech-savvy

Jul 11, 2021 - There are multiple ways seniors can receive help to learn how to use digital technology, which is more important now than ever before.

Smart Technology is Not Making Us Dumber After All, According to New Study

Jul 11, 2021 - A recent study shows that utilizing technology allows humans to change the way we use our cognitive abilities.

3 tips for preventing heat stroke

Jul 10, 2021 - Older people are more vulnerable to heat-induced illnesses due to a variety of factors and should take care to keep cool with these tips.

Boomers’ grip on housing market leaves younger buyers out in the cold

Jul 08, 2021 - Baby Boomers – those between 55 and 75 years old – own more real estate than any other generation and have for the past twenty years.

Those annoying robocalls aren't going to stop today. But they could slow down soon

Jul 02, 2021 - The Federal Communications Commission has developed a new prevention program with mobile carriers to delay robocalls.