News on Aging & Financial Health

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Changing attitudes key to addressing ageism

Aug 12, 2020 - The roots of ageism begin early, but efforts to educate children about the aging process have shown this can be changed.

Robotic pets are helping seniors avoid loneliness

Aug 12, 2020 - One creative solution to fighting the isolation many older people are experiencing comes in the form of lifelike mechanical furry companions.

Retiring during a global pandemic—good or bad idea?

Aug 04, 2020 - The timing of retirement has a huge impact on what comes next.

What Seniors Can Expect as Their New Normal in a Post-Vaccine World

Aug 03, 2020 - During these trying times, one thing is certain—life as we know it is evolving.

In Just 15 Years, Social Security Retirees Could Face Benefit Cuts of More Than $16 Billion a Month

Jul 28, 2020 - Financially prepare now for a cut in Social Security benefits slated for 2035.

Op-ed: With cyberattacks surging due to Covid-19, ‘Digital distancing’ could limit exposure

Jul 22, 2020 - Social distancing is a key component in limiting the spread of COVID-19, and should also be applied online to keep your identity safe.